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Board of Supervisors
The Board of Supervisors meet on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Members of this Board include: Edward T. Snee, Chairman; and Brian M. Lucot, Vice-Chairman; Lawrence D. Vogel, Member.
Library Board of Trustees
The Library Board of Trustees meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Members are: Ed Farrington, Al Stanish, Judy Woods, Denise Sabolcik, and Donna Tressler.
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission reviews all of the proposed plans for development within the Township. They meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Members are: Mark Depretis, John Papinchak, James Waychoff, H. Russell Bracker, Patrick Sable, Rob Devine, and William Matyger Jr.
Recreation Board
The Recreation Board acts in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors on all recreation programs. They meet monthly on the third Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Members are: Dawn Kempton, Derek Parker, Stephanie Taylor, and Lire Jackson.
Uniform Construction Code Board of Appeals
This board was stablished to comply with the mandates of the Uniform Construction Code. Meetings will be held when an appeal is made to the Uniform Construction Code. Members are: Rick Schultz, Douglas Kreutzer, and Carl Blackburn.
Zoning Hearing Board
This board is a quasi-judicial body that hears and decides appeals from landowners seeking variances to the zoning ordinances. The Zoning Hearing Board meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Members are:John Atkinson, Daniel Tschippert, Ronald Loncharich, Raymond Stasny and Brock Urlakis. P. Ronald Cooper (ZHB Solicitor).
Anyone interested in serving on a Board or Commission, please click here to download a Community Talent Bank Application, or call the Administration Office at 412-831-7000.