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For all civic organizations in the Township of South Park, you may add or update your listing or add a link to your website by sending an e-mail with the appropriate information to southparktwp@southparktwp.com.
Friends of the Library
Friends of the Library Website
The Friends promote the library, contribute financial support and sponsor the pre-school story hour programs. Contact Cathy Humphreys at (412) 655-4523 for more information.
Friends of South Park - Allegheny County Parks
Friends of South Park - Allegheny County Parks Website
The Friends of South Park is an organization composed of volunteers who live in Allegheny County and care about the rich history and natural beauty of the 2,013-acre park located in Bethel Park and South Park Township. Created by Allegheny County Council in 2002, the organization was established to recommend ways to Council of helping to maintain and improve South Park. Its members are appointed by Allegheny County Council to three-year terms and serve without compensation.
Life Builders
This organization is devoted to making a difference in our community. Their mission is transforming lives, building families and strengthening communities demonstrated through Christian principles through programs such as the Shiloh Foodbank and Coats, Gloves and Love. They are located at 2624 Brandis Ave., South Park, PA 15129, and their contact number is 412-835-7220.
South Park Lions Club
Their purpose is to help the unfortunate and needy people of the community. Monthly meetings are held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, September through May, at Donte's Pizzeria. Contact Tom Hartley, Secretary, at trh699@yahoo.com for more information.
Meals on Wheels
Composed of volunteers who furnish meals to persons who are in need of some assistance. For further information contact Pam Mason, Site Coordinator & Cook. Calls are taken 8:30am - 11:00am Monday through Friday at (412) 655-2255.
Nativity Senior Citizens
This is a senior citizens organization. Contact Don Bright at (412) 884-4766 for more information.
Paul Riis Legacy Preservation Volunteers
Paul Riis Legacy Preservation Volunteers Website
This organization's mission is to play an active role in the stewardship of the many historic structures designed by Paul B. Riis within South Park - Allegheny County Parks and to the preservation of his legacy. To participate in one of this organization's work parties or for more information, please contact 3riversgems@verizon.net.
South Park Historical Society
South Park Township Historical Society Website
This organization is comprised of members interested in preserving and documenting South Park Township’s historical heritage. Contact Joy Marquis (President) at (412) 835-8633 for more information.
South Park Women’s Club
The Club promotes friendship and unity among women and encourages their cultural, civic and social interest. Contact Fran Ruppen (President) at (412) 650-5703 for more information.
Library Memorial Post No. #6664. The phone number is (412) 308-0046.
BVFW Post No. #1940. The phone number is (412) 655-9922.
Volunteer Fire Departments
The Broughton Volunteer Fire Department and the Library Volunteer Fire Company provide fire coverage for residents.
For all civic organizations in the Township of South Park, you may add or update your listing or add a link to your website by sending an e-mail with the appropriate information to southparktwp@southparktwp.com.