South Park Public Library
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Q:When is the Library open?
A:Our hours of operation are listed below. We are closed on Fridays and Sundays, as well as most major holidays.

10:00 A.M.
8:00 P.M.
10:00 A.M.
8:00 P.M.
10:00 A.M.
8:00 P.M.
10:00 A.M.
8:00 P.M.
10:00 A.M.
5:00 P.M.

Closed Fridays, Sundays, and Most Major Holidays!

Q:How can I get a Library Card?
A:Just visit the Library and sign up! You will also need a valid driver's license with a current address to sign up for a card. Library cards are FREE to the residents of Allegheny County and the surrounding area and entitle the holder to borrow library materials, access Library computers, and download e-Books from all libraries in Allegheny County*.

*To borrow and audiobooks and e-books from all libraries in Allegheny County, patrons will need a PIN number, which the Library staff can set up on your account at any time.

Q:Can my child get a Library Card?
A:We encourage all children to get their own library cards but we do require a parent's signature on their application. Parents will also need to have a valid driver's license to sign up for a card.

Q:My Library Card expired. Do I need to get a new card?
A:No. Simply bring in the Library card with your driver's license and we will renew the card for you for free. We renew the cards to ensure that the patron's information is up to date. Library cards are good for 2 years.

Q:I lost my Library Card. Can it be replaced?
A:Yes. If you are unable to locate a Library card, we can replace the old card for a new one for two ($2) dollars.

Q:How many books, movies, etc. can I check out?
A:A patron can take out a maximum of fifty (50) books, books on CD, and playaways. Patrons can also borrow an unlimited amount of magazines. Finally, there is a limit of ten (10) movies, ten (10) music CDs and three (3) videogames/board games.

Q:How long can I keep Library materials?
A:Books, books on CD, CDs, TV Series DVDs and videogames generally circulate for three (3) weeks. The exceptions are movies on DVD and Blu-Ray. These materials can be borrowed for up to one (1) week.

Q:What if I can't get to the Library to return materials when they are due?
A: Borrowed materials are set to renew automatically as long as there is not a waiting list on an item. Additionally, you can call us and we will renew your materials for an extra borrowing period unless the item is part of our "Best-Seller's" or Launchpad Collections or if it is on a waiting list.

Q:What makes up the Library's "Best-Sellers" Collection?
A:The "Best Sellers" Collection is made up of new books, DVD's, and Blu-Rays. The "Best Sellers" Collection is located at the Library's front desk.

Q:I have an e-Reader device. Do you have an e-Book/audiobook collection?
A:Yes! Each library in Allegheny County has access to the Overdrive service, which allows library patrons with an active library card to borrow e-Books and audiobooks. Overdrive can be accessed by clicking here! Additionally, Overdrive supports the Libby app, which can be downloaded to mobile devices by clicking here and selecting your mobile device's app store. With the Libby app, patrons will also be able to borrow ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from your local library for free! For more detailed instructions on how to use either of these FREE services, please contact the Library!

Q:What are the overdue fines?
A:A fine of ten (10) cents a day, excluding Sundays and holidays, is charged for materials with the exception of videos, music CDs, and videogames. A fine of fifty (50) cents a day is charged for CDs, DVDs, and Blu-Ray discs.

Q:If you don't have the material I need, how can I get it?
A:We can borrow materials for you from other Allegheny County libraries. It generally takes about a week for the item to arrive, if it's available. If no library in Allegheny County has what you need, we can request it through inter-library loan. This may take as long as three (3) weeks, so plan ahead if you need something special.

Q:What children's services do you provide?
A:Storytime programs are held throughout the year for children of all ages and their families. There are regularly scheduled storytimes for toddlers and preschoolers and summer reading programs for toddlers through teens. In addition, special programs with special guests and activities are held throughout the year including the annual Holiday Celebration and the annual Children's Summer Reading program. Visit our Calendar of Events page for more information on our programming.

Q:What adult services do you provide?
A:Our adult programs include regularly scheduled book discussions, monthly afternoon cultural events, knitting groups, etc. There are also monthly computer classes that adults of all ages can attend. In addition, special programs and activities are also scheduled throughout the year such as "DayTrips & Destinations," our "Munch and Learns" program series, and the annual Adult Summer Reading program. Visit our Calendar of Events page for more information on our programming.

Q:I'm computer illiterate. Can you help me?
A:Yes! Any member of the staff will be happy to get you started with our online card catalog or reference sites. Patrons can also schedule a 1-on-1 session with a Library staff member to go over basic questions regarding your computer or mobile device. The Library also holds monthly computer classes on a wide variety of topics including Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Computer Skills, several classes on Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Publisher, the Internet, E-Mail, Digital Picture Editing, and much more. To view this month's current computer classes, please click here. If you would like to view a complete listing of all computer classes offered, please click here.

Q:How do I log on to a Library computer?
A:You will need to type in the barcode number that is on the back of your active Library card and then follow the on screen instructions to use the computer.

Q:Does the Library have a Wi-Fi network that I can use?
A:Yes, we do. If you bring in a laptop, tablet, or mobile device, you will be able to access our wireless network to get on the Internet. For instructions on connecting to the Internet via our wireless network, please click here.

Q:Do you have a printer that I can use?
A:Yes. We charge ten (10) cents per page for black and white printing and twenty-five (25) cents per page for color printing. Please use the "South Park Main" printer for black and white printing and the "South Park Color" printer for color printing. Please type in your name in the box that appears on your computer screen after selecting the "Print" option in the program window. Printed materials can be picked up and paid for at the front desk.

Q:Does the library offer remote printing?
A:Yes. Patrons are able to print a file from outside South Park Township Library by e-mailing the library the files that they would like to have printed. We charge ten (10) cents per page for black and white printing and twenty-five (25) cents per page for color printing via remote printing. In the subject line or body of the e-mail, please specify if you would like your print to be in black and white or color and if you need multiple copies.
Printed materials must be picked up at the front desk within 24 hours of sending them to the printer and will only be available for pick up when the Library is open.

For more information on Remote Printing please click here.

Q:Do you have a copier that I can use?
A:Yes. We charge twenty-five (25) cents for black and white copies and fifty (50) cents for color copies. The copier is located next to the Library's front desk.

Q:Can I scan files?
A:Yes. Patrons can scan files to a flash drive by using the copier that is located next to the library's front desk. Please ask a staff member for assistance if you are scanning files. There is No Charge to scan files.

Q:Do you have a fax machine I can use?
A:We're sorry, but the library does not have a fax machine.

Q:Do you accept books or other library materials as a donation?
A:Due to a lack of storage space, we will only accept donated items several weeks before the Friends of the Library Fall and Spring Book Sales. More information about items that will be accepted at the next Book Sale can be found by clicking here!

Q:Where can I learn about upcoming Library programming and activities?
A:Call 412-833-5585 or stop by the Library, look for the Library activity page(s) in the Park News, or visit our website by clicking here!
You can also follow the Library on Facebook and Instagram to find out what's going on at the library! If you prefer to receive program notifications via e-mail, sign up to the Library's newsletter here!

Q:Does the library have a mobile app?
A:Yes! The free Allegheny County Libraries mobile app can be downloaded from the App Store or the Google Play Store. Learn more about the Allegheny County Libraries mobile app here!

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